With all of the gadgets that our kids have access to these days, it can be hard to get them to look away from the screen and spend some time outside running around like we used to do when we were kids. It’s incredibly important for kids to learn good habits and stay active, however – especially when they’re young.
Instead of restricting screen time with harsh rules that’ll be sure to induce pouting, check out these 10 ways to get your kids excited about physical activity.
Obstacle Courses
If you’re having a tough time getting your couch potatoes interested in physical activity, the first thing you need to do is choose an activity that won’t feel like a chore to your kids, like an obstacle course. Use anything you have lying around the house and have your kids help you create an obstacle course that has tons of running and jumping involved.
If your kids are into superheroes, go outside and play out their superheroes’ adventures instead of watching them on screen, suggests SheKnows. Zoom around the backyard practicing “flying” skills or maybe save a stuffed teddy bear from certain danger at the top of the swing set.
Hula-hoops are a great way to get your kids active – even the act of learning how to hula-hoop for the first time will get the kiddos moving around! Invest in a few of these awesome hoops and get your kids looped – er, hooked – on hula!
What kid doesn’t love jumping around on a trampoline? Encourage safe jumping – like only allowing one kid on the trampoline at a time – but bouncing on the trampoline for the afternoon is a lot better for your kids’ bodies than sitting on the couch.
If mom or dad are into yoga, try teaching your kids some moves, says The Inspired Treehouse. They’ll learn some great stretches and start building up their core strength, too. This meditative exercise has been around for thousands of years, and it may even help your child find a bit of inner peace and calmness!
Swimming is amazing exercise, and who doesn’t love to splash around on a hot day? If you have access to a pool, encourage your kids to swim as much as they want, or plan a special trip to one of the many beaches along the Gulf Coast for a full experience on the salt water shores, including playing on the beach with games or creating sand castles!
Play Dates
Invite some kids from the neighborhood or host your child’s friends from school or Children’s Enchanted Learning Center and let them run around outside together. Whether they’re playing tag or swinging on a tire swing, they’ll move around a bunch. Just make sure to tell them they’re not allowed to watch TV!
Work Out Regularly
The best way to encourage your kids to get active is to show them how much fun you can have while you work out, says WebMD. If you go first, your kids will follow. As the saying goes, lead by example for the best results.
The backyard can get a little tiresome after a while, so check out different parks in your neighborhood. Many Houston-area parks offer jungle gyms and other playground equipment that your children can enjoy. Whether it’s running circles up the ladder and down the slide or trying to make it straight across the monkey bars, they’re sure to have a blast and burn calories at the same time!
Get Outside
If your kids are superglued to the TV, encourage them to play outside more often. They’re more likely to roller-skate, shoot hoops or do just about anything more active when they’re in the driveway or backyard instead of the TV room!
At Children’s Enchanted Learning Center, we encourage all children to participate with outdoor activities with outdoor play time planned every day when the weather allows, with indoor play options planned when inclement conditions force us inside. To learn more about our active curriculum – both physical and mental – for children, call us today at 281-991-3999.