Daycare for Toddlers in Pasadena TX

Toddler Curriculum (18 Months- 24 Months)

Toddler in Day Care in Pasadena TX To keep you connected during the toddler years, we offer an interactive service called KidReports. KidReports is an online tool that Steadfast Academy utilizes to help you stay connected on how your child’s day is developing in real time. KidReports, also allows us to share pictures of your child with you and allows you to communicate with your child’s teachers.
Along with communication, Steadfast Academy is devoted to early care and education of each child.

Designed around the latest scientific early brain development research, this year-round program focuses on enhancing the simple joy of childhood while equipping caregivers to nurture curiosity through exploration. Frog Street Toddler, created by Dr. Pam Schiller, incorporates Dr. Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline® and includes 52 weeks of activity choices specifically created for children ages 18-36 months. Activity choices:

  • Are organized around five developmental domains.
  • Offer differentiated instruction options to meet the needs of all learners.
  • Can be easily infused into daily routines, such as diaper changing, transitions, and outdoor play.
  • Are designed with intention and purpose to move children forward in their development.

To read more about our curriculum and to view visual examples please visit

Frog Street Press, LLC (2017). Frog Street Toddler Nurturing Curiosity Through Exploration. Retrieved from